pyhomekit package

Module contents

pyhomekit.ble module

Contains all of the HAP-BLE classes.

class pyhomekit.ble.HapAccessory(address: str, address_type: str = 'static') → None[source]

Bases: object

HAP Accesory.

  • address – MAC address of the accessory
  • address_type – Type of the address: static or random
charateristic(uuid: str) → sphinx.ext.autodoc.Characteristic[source]

Return the GATT characteristic for the given UUID.

connect() → None[source]

Connect to BLE peripheral.

discover_hap_characteristics() → typing.List[pyhomekit.ble.HapCharacteristic][source]

Discovers all of the HAP Characteristics and performs a signature read on each one.

get_characteristic(name: str, uuid: str) → pyhomekit.ble.HapCharacteristic[source]
pair() → None[source]
pair_verify() → None[source]
save_key() → None[source]
class pyhomekit.ble.HapAccessoryLock(address: str, address_type: str = 'static') → None[source]

Bases: pyhomekit.ble.HapAccessory

administrator_only_access() → None[source]
audio_feedback() → bytes[source]
current_door_state() → int[source]
lock_control_point() → typing.Any[source]
lock_current_state() → int[source]
lock_last_known_action() → int[source]
lock_management_auto_security_timeout() → None[source]
lock_target_state() → None[source]
logs() → str[source]
motion_detected() → bool[source]
version() → str[source]
class pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePdu(header: pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePduHeader, TLVs: typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[int, bytes]]) → None[source]

Bases: object


max_len = 512
pdu_fragments() → typing.Iterator[bytes][source]
class pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePduHeader(response: bool, continuation: bool) → None[source]

Bases: object

Interface for HAP-BLE Headers.

This class is not meant to be instantiated. Use the children HapBlePduRequestHeader and HapBlePduResponseHeader.

  • continuation – indicates the fragmentation status of the HAP-BLE PDU. False indicates a first fragment or no fragmentation.
  • response – indicates whether the PDU is a response (versus a request)

Get Control Field as int.


Get Control Field as string of bits.

class pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePduRequestHeader(cid_sid: bytes, op_code: int, response: bool = False, continuation: bool = False, transaction_id: int = None) → None[source]

Bases: pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePduHeader

HAP-BLE PDU Request Header.

  • continuation – indicates the fragmentation status of the HAP-BLE PDU. False indicates a first fragment or no fragmentation.
  • response – indicates whether the PDU is a response (versus a request)
  • transation_id – Transaction Identifier
  • op_code – HAP Opcode field, which indicates the opcode for the HAP Request PDU.
  • cid_sid – Characteristic / Service Instance Identifier is the instance id of the characteristic / service for a particular request.

Byte representation of the PDU Header.

Depends on whether it is a continuation header or not.


Get the transaction identifier, or generate a new one if none exists.

The transation ID is an 8 bit number identifying the transaction number of this PDU. The TID is randomly generated by the originator of the request and is used to match a request/response pair.

class pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePduResponseHeader(status_code: int, transaction_id: int, continuation: bool = False, response: bool = True) → None[source]

Bases: pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePduHeader

HAP-BLE PDU Response Header.

  • continuation – indicates the fragmentation status of the HAP-BLE PDU. False indicates a first fragment or no fragmentation.
  • response – indicates whether the PDU is a response (versus a request)
  • transaction_id – Transaction Identifier
  • status_code – HAP Status code for the request.

Byte representation of the PDU Header.

classmethod from_data(data: bytes) → pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePduResponseHeader[source]

Creates a header from response bytes

class pyhomekit.ble.HapCharacteristic(accessory: pyhomekit.ble.HapAccessory, uuid: str, retry: bool = False, retry_max_attempts: int = 1, retry_wait_time: int = 2) → None[source]

Bases: object

Represents data or an associated behavior of a service.

The characteristic is defined by a universally unique type, and has additional properties that determine how the value of the characteristic can be accessed.

  • accessory – The accessory this characteristic belongs to.
  • uuid – The UUID of the underlying GATT characteristic
  • retry – Attempt to reconnect when error.
  • retry_max_attempts – How many times to attempt reconnection.
  • retry_wait_time – How long to wait in s between reconnection attempts.

Get the Characteristic ID, reading it from the device if required.

read(request_header: pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePduRequestHeader) → typing.Dict[str, typing.Any][source]

Perform a HAP Characteristic read.

Fragmented read if required.


Returns the signature, and adds the attributes.

write(request_header: pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePduRequestHeader, TLVs: typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, bytes]]) → typing.Dict[str, typing.Any][source]

Perform a HAP Characteristic write.

Fragmented read/write if required.

write_ktlvs(request_header: pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePduRequestHeader, kTLVs: typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[int, bytes]]) → typing.Dict[str, typing.Any][source]

Perform a HAP Characteristic write for a pairing.

Fragmented read/write if required.

pyhomekit.ble.fragment_tlvs(header: pyhomekit.ble.HapBlePduRequestHeader, TLVs: typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, bytes]]) → typing.Iterator[bytes][source]

Returns the fragmented TLVs to write.

pyhomekit.ble.reconnect_callback_factory(accessory: pyhomekit.ble.HapAccessory) → typing.Callable[[typing.Any, int], NoneType][source]

Factory for creating tenacity before callbacks to reconnect to a peripheral.

pyhomekit.ble.reconnect_tenacity_retry(reconnect_callback: typing.Callable[[typing.Any, int], typing.Any], max_attempts: int = 2, wait_time: int = 2) → tenacity.Retrying[source]

Build tenacity retry object

pyhomekit.constants module

HAP Constants

class pyhomekit.constants.HapBleOpCodes[source]

Bases: object

HAP Opcode Descriptions.

Characteristic_Execute_Write = 5
Characteristic_Read = 3
Characteristic_Signature_Read = 1
Characteristic_Timed_Write = 4
Characteristic_Write = 2
Service_Signature_Read = 6
class pyhomekit.constants.HapBleStatusCodes[source]

Bases: object

HAP Status code definitions and descriptions.

Insufficient_Authentication = 5
Insufficient_Authorization = 3
Invalid_Instance_ID = 4
Invalid_Request = 6
Max_Procedures = 2
Success = 0
Unsupported_PDU = 1
class pyhomekit.constants.HapParamTypes[source]

Bases: object

Additional_Authorization_Data = 2
Characteristic_Instance_ID = 5
Characteristic_Type = 4
GATT_Presentation_Format_Descriptor = 12
GATT_User_Description_Descriptor = 11
GATT_Valid_Range = 13
HAP_Characteristic_Properties_Descriptor = 10
HAP_Linked_Services = 16
HAP_Service_Properties = 15
HAP_Step_Value_Descriptor = 14
HAP_Valid_Values_Descriptor = 17
HAP_Valid_Values_Range_Descriptor = 18
Origin_local_vs_remote = 3
Return_Response = 9
Service_Instance_ID = 7
Service_Type = 6
TTL = 8
Value = 1
class pyhomekit.constants.PairingKTLVErrorCodes[source]

Bases: object

kTLVError_Authenticatio = 2
kTLVError_Backof = 3
kTLVError_Bus = 7
kTLVError_MaxPeer = 4
kTLVError_MaxTrie = 5
kTLVError_Unavailabl = 6
kTLVError_Unknow = 1
class pyhomekit.constants.PairingKTLVMethodValues[source]

Bases: object

Pairing service kTLV method values

Add_Pairing = 3
List_Pairings = 5
Pair_Setup = 1
Pair_Verify = 2
Remove_Pairing = 4
Reserved = 0
class pyhomekit.constants.PairingKTlvValues[source]

Bases: object

Pairng service TLV Values.

kTLVType_Certificate = 9
kTLVType_EncryptedData = 5
kTLVType_Error = 7
kTLVType_FragmentData = 12
kTLVType_FragmentLast = 13
kTLVType_Identifier = 1
kTLVType_Method = 0
kTLVType_Permissions = 11
kTLVType_Proof = 4
kTLVType_PublicKey = 3
kTLVType_RetryDelay = 8
kTLVType_Salt = 2
kTLVType_Separator = 255
kTLVType_Signature = 10
kTLVType_State = 6
pyhomekit.constants.identity(x: typing.Any) → typing.Any[source]


pyhomekit.constants.parse_format(b: bytes) → typing.Tuple[int, int][source]

Parse the bluetooth characteristic presentation format to format and unit code

pyhomekit.constants.to_bool(b: bytes) → bool[source]

Convert to bytes to bool (little endian).

pyhomekit.constants.to_float(b: bytes) → int[source]

Convert to bytes to float (little endian).

pyhomekit.constants.to_int32(b: bytes) → int[source]

Convert to bytes to 32 bit signed int (little endian).

pyhomekit.constants.to_uint16(b: bytes) → int[source]

Convert to bytes to 16 bit unsigned short (little endian).

pyhomekit.constants.to_uint32(b: bytes) → int[source]

Convert to bytes to 32 bit unsigned int (little endian).

pyhomekit.constants.to_uint64(b: bytes) → int[source]

Convert to bytes to 64 bit unsigned int (little endian).

pyhomekit.constants.to_uint8(b: bytes) → int[source]

Convert to bytes to 8 bit unsigned short (little endian).

pyhomekit.constants.to_utf8(b: bytes) → str[source]

Convert bytes to str utf-8 encoded.

pyhomekit.constants.to_uuid(b: bytes) → str[source]

Convert bytes to string representation of uuid.

The bytes are reversed first.

pyhomekit.utils module

Utility functions for BLE

exception pyhomekit.utils.HapBleError(status_code: int = None, name: str = None, message: str = None, *args: str) → None[source]

Bases: Exception

HAP Error.

pyhomekit.utils.iterate_tvl(response: bytes) → typing.Iterator[typing.Tuple[int, int, bytes]][source]

Iterate through response bytes, 1 tlv at a time.

pyhomekit.utils.parse_ktlvs(data: bytes) → typing.Dict[str, typing.Any][source]

Parse ktlvs.

pyhomekit.utils.prepare_tlv(param_type: int, value: bytes) → typing.Iterator[bytes][source]

Formats the TLV into the expected format of the PDU.

  • param_type – The name or code for the HAP Parameter type
  • value – The value in bytes of the parameter.