Source code for pyhomekit.ble

"""Contains all of the HAP-BLE classes."""

import logging
import random

from struct import pack, unpack
from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, List, Sequence)  # NOQA pylint: disable=W0611
from typing import (Tuple, Union, Optional, Iterator)  # NOQA pylint: disable=W0611

import bluepy.btle
import tenacity

from . import constants
from .utils import prepare_tlv, iterate_tvl, HapBleError, parse_ktlvs

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HapBlePduHeader: """Interface for HAP-BLE Headers. This class is not meant to be instantiated. Use the children HapBlePduRequestHeader and HapBlePduResponseHeader. Parameters ---------- continuation indicates the fragmentation status of the HAP-BLE PDU. False indicates a first fragment or no fragmentation. response indicates whether the PDU is a response (versus a request) """ def __init__(self, response: bool, continuation: bool) -> None: self.continuation = continuation self.response = response @property def control_field(self) -> int: """Get Control Field as int.""" return int(self.control_field_bits, 2) @property def control_field_bits(self) -> str: """Get Control Field as string of bits.""" control_field_str = "{continuation}00000{response}0".format( continuation=int(self.continuation), response=int(self.response)) return control_field_str @property def data(self) -> bytes: raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self) -> str: return "continuation: {}, response: {}".format(self.continuation, self.response)
[docs]class HapBlePduRequestHeader(HapBlePduHeader): """HAP-BLE PDU Request Header. Parameters ---------- continuation indicates the fragmentation status of the HAP-BLE PDU. False indicates a first fragment or no fragmentation. response indicates whether the PDU is a response (versus a request) transation_id Transaction Identifier op_code HAP Opcode field, which indicates the opcode for the HAP Request PDU. cid_sid Characteristic / Service Instance Identifier is the instance id of the characteristic / service for a particular request. """ def __init__(self, cid_sid: bytes, op_code: int, response: bool=False, continuation: bool=False, transaction_id: int=None) -> None: super(HapBlePduRequestHeader, self).__init__( response=response, continuation=continuation) self.op_code = op_code self._transaction_id = transaction_id self.cid_sid = cid_sid @property def transaction_id(self) -> int: """Get the transaction identifier, or generate a new one if none exists. The transation ID is an 8 bit number identifying the transaction number of this PDU. The TID is randomly generated by the originator of the request and is used to match a request/response pair. """ if self._transaction_id is None: self._transaction_id = random.SystemRandom().getrandbits(8) return self._transaction_id @property def data(self) -> bytes: """Byte representation of the PDU Header. Depends on whether it is a continuation header or not.""" if self.continuation: return pack('<BB', self.control_field, self.transaction_id) return pack('<BBB', self.control_field, self.op_code, self.transaction_id) + self.cid_sid def __str__(self) -> str: return super(HapBlePduRequestHeader, self).__str__( ) + " op_code: {}, transaction_id: {}, cid_sid: {}".format( self.op_code, self.transaction_id, self.cid_sid)
[docs]class HapBlePduResponseHeader(HapBlePduHeader): """HAP-BLE PDU Response Header. Parameters ---------- continuation indicates the fragmentation status of the HAP-BLE PDU. False indicates a first fragment or no fragmentation. response indicates whether the PDU is a response (versus a request) transaction_id Transaction Identifier status_code HAP Status code for the request. """ def __init__(self, status_code: int, transaction_id: int, continuation: bool=False, response: bool=True) -> None: super(HapBlePduResponseHeader, self).__init__( response=response, continuation=continuation) self.transaction_id = transaction_id self.status_code = status_code @classmethod
[docs] def from_data(cls, data: bytes) -> 'HapBlePduResponseHeader': """Creates a header from response bytes""" control_field, tid, status_code = unpack('<BBB', data[:3]) # turn control field into its bits control_field = bin(control_field)[2:].zfill(8)[::-1] continuation = control_field[7] == '1' response = control_field[1] == '1' if control_field[0] + control_field[2:7] != '000000': raise ValueError("Invalid control field for response header {}". format(control_field)) return HapBlePduResponseHeader( continuation=continuation, response=response, transaction_id=tid, status_code=status_code)
@property def data(self) -> bytes: """Byte representation of the PDU Header.""" return pack('<BBB', self.control_field, self.transaction_id, self.status_code) def __str__(self) -> str: return super( HapBlePduResponseHeader, self).__str__() + " status_code: {}, transaction_id: {}".format( constants.HapBleStatusCodes()(self.status_code), self.transaction_id)
[docs]class HapBlePdu: """HAP BLE PDU""" max_len = 512 def __init__(self, header: HapBlePduHeader, TLVs: Sequence[Tuple[int, bytes]]) -> None: self.header = header self.TLVs = TLVs @property def raw_data(self) -> bytes: prepared_tlvs = [ data for param_type, value in self.TLVs for data in prepare_tlv(param_type, value) ] return + b''.join(prepared_tlvs) @property def fragmented(self) -> bool: return len(self.raw_data) > self.max_len
[docs] def pdu_fragments(self) -> Iterator[bytes]: yield self.raw_data
[docs]class HapCharacteristic: """Represents data or an associated behavior of a service. The characteristic is defined by a universally unique type, and has additional properties that determine how the value of the characteristic can be accessed. Parameters ---------- accessory The accessory this characteristic belongs to. uuid The UUID of the underlying GATT characteristic retry Attempt to reconnect when error. retry_max_attempts How many times to attempt reconnection. retry_wait_time How long to wait in s between reconnection attempts. """ def __init__(self, accessory: 'HapAccessory', uuid: str, retry: bool=False, retry_max_attempts: int=1, retry_wait_time: int=2) -> None: self.uuid = uuid self.accessory = accessory self.retry = retry self.retry_max_attempts = retry_max_attempts self.retry_wait_time = retry_wait_time self._cid = None # type: Optional[bytes] self.hap_format_converter = constants.identity self._signature = None # type: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] if self.retry: self._setup_tenacity( max_attempts=self.retry_max_attempts, wait_time=self.retry_wait_time) def _request(self, header: HapBlePduRequestHeader, body: List[Tuple[int, bytes]]=None) -> None: """Perform a HAP read or write request.""" logger.debug("HAP read/write request.") if not body: logger.debug("Writing header to characteristic: %s", self._characteristic.write(, withResponse=True) else: for data in fragment_tlvs(header, body): logger.debug("Writing header + data to characteristic: %s", data) self._characteristic.write(data, withResponse=True) def _read(self) -> bytes: """Read the value of the characteristic.""" logger.debug("Reading characteristic value.") return
[docs] def write(self, request_header: HapBlePduRequestHeader, TLVs: List[Tuple[int, bytes]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Perform a HAP Characteristic write. Fragmented read/write if required.""" logger.debug("HAP read/write with OpCode: %s.", constants.HapBleOpCodes()(request_header.op_code)) self._request(request_header, TLVs) response = self._read() logger.debug("Response data: %s", response) response_header = self._check_read_response( request_header=request_header, response=response) logger.debug("Response header: %s", response_header) response_parsed = self._parse_response(response) if response_header.continuation: # TODO: fragmented read raise NotImplementedError("Fragmented read not yet supported") return response_parsed
[docs] def write_ktlvs(self, request_header: HapBlePduRequestHeader, kTLVs: Sequence[Tuple[int, bytes]]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Perform a HAP Characteristic write for a pairing. Fragmented read/write if required.""" logger.debug("HAP write pairing with OpCode: %s.", constants.HapBleOpCodes()(request_header.op_code)) assembled = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] while True: logger.debug("Preparing message with kTLVs: %s", kTLVs) prepared_ktlvs = b''.join( data for ktlv in kTLVs for data in prepare_tlv(*ktlv)) TLVs = [(constants.HapParamTypes.Return_Response, pack('<B', 1)), (constants.HapParamTypes.Value, prepared_ktlvs)] response_parsed = self.write(request_header, TLVs) if 'value' not in response_parsed: raise HapBleError( name="Pairing Error", message="No ktlvs received") parsed_ktlvs = parse_ktlvs(response_parsed['value']) # Check fragmentation if 'kTLVType_FragmentData' in parsed_ktlvs: logger.debug("Found kTLV FragmentData - appending") assembled['kTLVType_FragmentData'] = assembled.get( 'kTLVType_FragmentData', b'') + parsed_ktlvs['kTLVType_FragmentData'] # send new ktlv fragmentdata empty kTLVs = [(constants.PairingKTlvValues.kTLVType_FragmentData, b'')] elif 'kTLVType_FragmentLast' in parsed_ktlvs: logger.debug( "Found kTLV FragmentLast - appending final fragment") assembled['kTLVType_FragmentData'] = ( assembled['kTLVType_FragmentData'] + parsed_ktlvs['kTLVType_FragmentLast']) # This is the last part of the fragment. Now parse the contents and return assembled = parse_ktlvs(assembled['kTLVType_FragmentData']) break else: logger.debug("Unfragmented kTLVS - returning parsed data.") assembled = parsed_ktlvs break return assembled
[docs] def read(self, request_header: HapBlePduRequestHeader) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Perform a HAP Characteristic read. Fragmented read if required.""" response_parsed = self.write(request_header, []) return response_parsed
def _setup_tenacity(self, max_attempts: int, wait_time: int) -> None: """Adds automatic retrying to functions that need to read from device.""" reconnect_callback = reconnect_callback_factory( accessory=self.accessory) retry = reconnect_tenacity_retry(reconnect_callback, max_attempts, wait_time) retry_functions = [ self._read_cid, self._request, self._read, self._characteristic ] for func in retry_functions: name = func.__name__ setattr(self, name, retry(func)) @property def _characteristic(self) -> bluepy.btle.Characteristic: """Returns the underlying GATT characteristic.""" return self.accessory.charateristic(self.uuid) @property def cid(self) -> bytes: """Get the Characteristic ID, reading it from the device if required.""" if self._cid is None: self._cid = self._read_cid() return self._cid @property def signature(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Returns the signature, and adds the attributes.""" if self._signature is None: signature_read_header = HapBlePduRequestHeader( cid_sid=self.cid, op_code=constants.HapBleOpCodes.Characteristic_Signature_Read, ) self._signature = return self._signature def _read_cid(self) -> bytes: """Read the Characteristic ID descriptor.""" logger.debug("Read characteristic ID descriptor.") cid_descriptor = self._characteristic.getDescriptors( constants.characteristic_ID_descriptor_UUID)[0] return @staticmethod def _check_read_response(request_header: HapBlePduRequestHeader, response: bytes) -> HapBlePduResponseHeader: """Parses response signature and verifies validity.""" response_header = HapBlePduResponseHeader.from_data(response) if not response_header.response: raise ValueError("Invalid control field {}, not a response.". format(response_header.control_field)) if response_header.transaction_id != request_header.transaction_id: raise ValueError("Invalid transaction ID {}, expected {}.".format( response_header.transaction_id, request_header.transaction_id), response) if response_header.status_code != constants.HapBleStatusCodes.Success: raise HapBleError(status_code=response_header.status_code) if len(response) > 3: body_length = unpack('<H', response[3:5])[0] if len(response[5:]) != body_length: raise ValueError("Invalid body length {}, expected {}.".format( len(response[5:]), body_length), response) return response_header def _parse_response(self, response: bytes) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parse read response and set attributes.""" logger.debug("Parse read response.") attributes = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] for body_type, length, bytes_ in iterate_tvl(response[5:]): if len(bytes_) != length: raise HapBleError(name="Invalid response length") name = constants.HAP_param_type_code_to_name[body_type] if name in ('GATT_Valid_Range', 'HAP_Step_Value_Descriptor', 'Value'): converter = self.hap_format_converter else: converter = constants.HAP_param_name_to_converter[name] # Treat GATT_Presentation_Format_Descriptor specially if name == 'GATT_Presentation_Format_Descriptor': format_code, unit_code = converter(bytes_) format_name = constants.format_code_to_name[format_code] format_converter = constants.format_name_to_converter[ format_name] unit_name = constants.unit_code_to_name[unit_code] new_attrs = { 'HAP_Format': format_name, 'HAP_Format_Converter': format_converter, 'HAP_Unit': unit_name } # List of values received in the HAP Format elif name == 'GATT_Valid_Range': low, high = bytes_[:len(bytes_) // 2], bytes_[ len(bytes_) // 2:] new_attrs = { 'min_value': converter(low), 'max_value': converter(high) } else: new_attrs = {name: converter(bytes_)} # Add new attributes for key, val in new_attrs.items(): logger.debug("TLV found in response. %s: %s", key, val) key = key.lower() if key in attributes: logger.debug( "Duplicate TLV Param Type found: %s. Appending.", key) val = attributes[key] + val setattr(self, key, val) attributes[key] = val return attributes
[docs]class HapAccessory: """HAP Accesory. Parameters ---------- address MAC address of the accessory address_type Type of the address: static or random """ def __init__(self, address: str, address_type: str='static') -> None: self.address = address self.address_type = address_type self.peripheral = bluepy.btle.Peripheral() self._characteristics = { } # type: Dict[str, bluepy.btle.Characteristic]
[docs] def connect(self) -> None: """Connect to BLE peripheral.""" self.peripheral.connect(self.address, self.address_type)
[docs] def charateristic(self, uuid: str) -> bluepy.btle.Characteristic: """Return the GATT characteristic for the given UUID.""" if uuid not in self._characteristics: characteristic = self.peripheral.getCharacteristics(uuid=uuid)[0] self._characteristics[uuid] = characteristic return self._characteristics[uuid]
[docs] def pair(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def pair_verify(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def save_key(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def discover_hap_characteristics(self) -> List[HapCharacteristic]: """Discovers all of the HAP Characteristics and performs a signature read on each one.""" pass
[docs] def get_characteristic(self, name: str, uuid: str) -> HapCharacteristic: pass
[docs]class HapAccessoryLock(HapAccessory): # Required
[docs] def lock_current_state(self) -> int: pass
# Required
[docs] def lock_target_state(self) -> None: pass
# Required for lock management
[docs] def lock_control_point(self) -> Any: pass
[docs] def version(self) -> str: pass
# Optional for lock management
[docs] def logs(self) -> str: pass
[docs] def audio_feedback(self) -> bytes: pass
[docs] def lock_management_auto_security_timeout(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def administrator_only_access(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def lock_last_known_action(self) -> int: pass
[docs] def current_door_state(self) -> int: pass
[docs] def motion_detected(self) -> bool: pass
[docs]def reconnect_callback_factory( accessory: HapAccessory) -> Callable[[Any, int], None]: """Factory for creating tenacity before callbacks to reconnect to a peripheral.""" # pylint: disable=W0613 def reconnect(func: Any, trial_number: int) -> None: """Attempt to reconnect.""" try: logger.debug("Attempting to reconnect to device.") accessory.connect() except bluepy.btle.BTLEException: logger.debug( "Error while attempting to reconnect to device", exc_info=True) return reconnect
[docs]def reconnect_tenacity_retry(reconnect_callback: Callable[[Any, int], Any], max_attempts: int=2, wait_time: int=2) -> tenacity.Retrying: """Build tenacity retry object""" retry = tenacity.retry( stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(max_attempts), wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(wait_time), retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type(bluepy.btle.BTLEException), before=reconnect_callback) return retry
[docs]def fragment_tlvs(header: HapBlePduRequestHeader, TLVs: List[Tuple[int, bytes]]) -> Iterator[bytes]: """Returns the fragmented TLVs to write.""" logger.debug("Preparing data for characteristic write: %s", TLVs) prepared_tlvs = [ data for param_type, value in TLVs for data in prepare_tlv(param_type, value) ] body_concat = b''.join(prepared_tlvs) max_len = 512 # Is a fragmented write necessary? if len( + 2 + len(body_concat) <= max_len: data = + pack('<H', len(body_concat)) + body_concat logger.debug("No fragmentation necessary.") yield data else: logger.debug("Fragmentation necessary. Total len %s", len(body_concat)) while prepared_tlvs: # Fill fragment fragment_data = b'' while prepared_tlvs and len(fragment_data) + len( prepared_tlvs[0]) < max_len: logger.debug("Add to fragment: %s", prepared_tlvs[0]) fragment_data += prepared_tlvs.pop(0) data = + pack('<H', len(fragment_data)) + fragment_data yield data # Future fragments are continuations header.continuation = True